Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Our photo's are in!
you need to watch THIS movie!
Go rent this movie...just make sure to empty your bladder before you watch it, LOL!!!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My NEW Scrapbook Nook
I'm going back today with my metal measuring tape to re-measure the 2 large windows in the front of the house. I'm hoping that I will be able to use the 71 inch wide blinds on them, if not then I'll have to go with the 70 inch and pay about $30 per window MORE. Is that just nuts or what? Paying MORE for something that is one inch more narrow? Doesn't seem possible but there it is.
My dear friend Kim (who is quite the enabler I dare say) sent me a link to an awesome scrapbook room over at 2 peas. I let her know that I loved that room didn't know if my husband would love it (because it's something right up my alley and would take him some time to get it done for me). But strangely enough he really liked the idea. I was looking around at other scrapbook rooms on 2 peas and saw this FAB one that was done in my 2 favorite colors...Bright Pink and Bright Green. I swear, I was in love with that room at first sight! I don't know how it will go over when I have to sell the house in 2010, but hey I'd be happy as a clam now! That room just screams happiness to me look in the gallery under "mccaligiuri" , it's a charming room down to the light on her desk and the valances with fringe hanging up over the windows I love everything about this room!
I am having hardwood laminate flooring put in this room...for obvious reasons. I want the wheels on my drafting chair to roll smoothly. Okay there are other reasons, easy clean up when working with things like stamp pads, beads and acrylic paints. Lets face it, things get spilled and I want to have as much of an easy clean up as possible! I'm a light colored wood flooring person which is different as how I like to choose my carpet- for some strange reason, I adore gray colored carpet but light colored wood flooring, go figure :-) For the foyer and the scrapbook nook aka home office (we've been telling our Realtors it's a home office) I chose a light colored Oak hardwood laminate flooring. I've had real hardwood flooring before and it's a royal pain to take care of, this stuff is just as nice, a fraction of the cost and it's easy to take care of...and you can't beat that with a stick!
Well I better grab some more coffee vacuum, toss in a load of laundry and head out to the house with my measuring tape. I've got lets see if I can use these blinds I bought or do I have to buy the more expensive ones?
Monday, February 26, 2007
The Windows...and other things
I've got the flooring picked out, it's called "Milky Way" for the vinyl in the kids bathroom and the laundry room, it's beautiful shades of slate blue, browns and creams. The carpet is matched to the rest of the house which is color is called "Nutria" which reminds me of oatmeal with some dark brown flecks to it. I decided to go with "Bruce" laminate flooring, it's made by Armstrong. I loved the different colors of the laminates, there were so many to choose from. I went with one of the lighter colored floors, do I remember the name of it? Nooooooooo, LOL! I'll have to call the flooring center and get the names and brands of what we ordered so I can out them in our file.
More dry wall was being put up today, and my Scrapbook Nook is really taking shape. I changed how the door was going to close. Instead of closing inward, I'm having it go outward. I need as much space in that room as I can possibly give myself :-)
Windows and floors
I've got my flooring picked out, now to see it against the carpet and picturing it in the rooms. I'm so excited about this next step!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
We bought appliances!!!
I'll have to get some pictures of what we bought and post them. I'm seriously psyched about the new stove! It's got 5 gas burners and the convection oven duel fuel thing going on (gas and electric), with a duel oven too! This baby rocks! And my groovy Kitchen Aid refrigerator, ooh whee! You've got to love a sale right??? :-) I tell ya, there is nothing better than a sale and a 10% off your entire purchase coupon for Lowes! The appliances will be delivered the day after we close on the house. I am so happy, I feel like I'm exuding happiness...happiness fuzzies are all over the place at our house this weekend!
I'm counting down the days until we close on the new house! 33 days until we're officially New Home Owners!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Shopping for House stuff today
After assessing the vinyl flooring in the kitchen it will do for now. We may change it in the future but for now it will be okay. I started thinking that it may be too much wood in the kitchen since it isn't a flow through space (meaning that there isn't more than one entry way into the kitchen).
I've got my note book and camera packed and ready to go!
Better Organization
Today I will need to buy MORE shoe boxes as I want to put my alphabet stamps in them and just keep my phrase stamps in my blue Iris cart. I like to have the phrase stamps right at hand. Everything is put into a category, it works very well that way- for me.
An evening of Fun in Deadwood, SD
We ate dinner in a local restaurant and the meal was FANTASTIC! The halibut with wild rice and mango salsa was seriously delicious! Everyone loved their meal and the waiter was a young man probably no more than 18 or 19 who was very patient with our group. He did an excellent job, not to mention that he had no additional help with waiting on our larger group. I am certain that he was very pleased with his tip at the end of our evening :-) The food and service was so good that we all agreed to go there again. Usually larger groups get sucky service and lukewarm food...but this was not the case at this restaurant, not at all!
Friday, February 23, 2007
The house is coming along nicely
I took measurements of the windows that are in my Scrapbook Nook- I need to figure out what kind of window treatments I'm going to make in for there. I'm sooooo happy with all of the stuff going on today I can hardly contain myself!
While at the house I also measured the space for the refrigerator, stove and dishwasher. I'm keeping the sink since it's an 8 inch deep one (I would have liked a 9 or 10 inch but hey- it's one less expense I have to in cure at the moment). The kitchen sink faucet will have to be replaced, but I already knew that one. Oh I'm getting ready to spend some serious $$$ on this kitchen! Thank goodness for the $2500 appliance allowance because I'm going to spend every single penny of it and more! I've got a stove, refrigerator, microwave and a dishwasher and a kitchen faucet to buy very soon!
The clock is ticking...
Lets face it, we're wedged in this little house pretty darn tight. I've always said that we'll need "professional help" getting out of here. IN other words... help from a professional moving company. There's way too much in here for us to even think of messing with. We're past asking friends to help us since !- most of them are on deployment and 2 the ones that are still here are as old as we are and lets face it, we don't want to hurt anyone, LOL! And of course there's #3, we just don't have the time to do it ourselves. Between my husbands work schedule and the stuff I have going on...that doesn't leave us very much time to get things done.
Painting this house...heck I might even have to call a professional to do that if my husband doesn't get any time to do it. There's nothing like trying to get one house in order when moving into it and getting another back to the way it was when you first moved into the same time. I can see many headaches in the upcoming weeks for both Lucien and myself. Be it moving across town or across country, the stress levels are the same, high.
I'm going through more stuff today...things in the kids closets and the linen closet. The things are items that should be in my Scrapbook Nook but aren't (because of lack of space). I'm going through my Stampin Up collection. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to store them. I can't keep these little plastic boxes, they just take up so much room. I think that the plastic shoe boxes would do better and I could organize them by category...Birthday, Christmas, Halloween, Floral etc. I'm going through the stamp sets and will sell off the ones I am no longer interested in keeping around. The home office that is going to be my new Scrapbook Nook is going to be wider but also it's going to be the same length as the space I have now. I will have 2 beautiful windows, but those windows will be taking up precious wall space where I have things hanging in this room. I have to rethink how I'm going to have this space organized, with that comes some downsizing- ugh! Items such as my compact paper trimmers will be sold at the garage sale in April. I do not need to have duplicate items in my scrapbook nook. I have to really get tough with myself! Wish me luck!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Just another day in the neighborhood
I'm going to go out and take some pictures today...we have demolition going on here at the base. An entire neighborhood of older base houses are being knocked down and I want pictures of it!
There are some things I have to go through...I have a question for you that buy Stampin Up rubber stamps. Do you keep those plastic boxes that the stamps come in or do you go through the stamps and organize them by category like floral, sayings, backgrounds etc? I tell ya, I'm getting rather tired of having to go through all of those little boxes looking for for a phrase, or a certain flower stamp. What is the purpose of keeping them in those boxes versus taking them out and organizing them into categories and keeping them in those clear shoe boxes with labels on them? I'd like to see who does what with their stamps. I'm so ready to toss all of those boxes into the recycle bin!
Now I'm off to do some errands, take pictures and to deliver some frozen pieces of cheesecake!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Ash Wednesday
Now it wouldn't be right if I gave up beef or fast food since those are things that I rarely ever eat. Could I go 6 weeks without chocolate? I doubt it! Could I go 6 weeks without buying any scrapbooking supplies? I'll be realistic and say "Yeah Right", LOL! Last year I took on a challenge of a personal nature and it really made me grow as a person. I can't say that there's anything remotely close to that challenge out there for me at this moment in time (and I truly give thanks to the Lord that there's not). My challenge had me really gritting my teeth at times.
I'm still going strong on my New Years Resolution of writing a snail mail letter to my Dad, Mom and younger sister every week. I'm also doing well on my picture a day. Which reminds me, I need to print out the journaling and start assembling the pages together. I think that the ESG has their scrapbook meet up this Saturday. Maybe I can get sneak out of the house unseen and hang out there for a couple of hours :-)
Scrapbook Group
I'm thinking about serving Quiche Lorraine, I haven't made in it quite a while and a nice recipe page to go along with it could be in order. I'm also wanting to make a yummy garden salad. to serve along with the quiche..the ones that my friend Kristi made for the baby shower would be nice. Maybe I can bribe her with some cheesecake to share her recipes with me :-)
My NEW Scrapbook Nook

The Kitchen


I love this archway into the dining area, the high ceilings add such an elegant touch to the house. Then there is the barreled ceiling in the hallway to the upstairs bedrooms and bathroom. The wood trim is Red Oak with a clear that!!! I had that in our house in Texas, I loved the warmth that came with that finish on the wood trim and cabinets. The carpet has an oatmeal kind of look to it with differnt flecks of color, this is something that I would have choosen on my own. The light fixtures are all have a brushed nickel finish along with the knobs on the cabinets and the door handles.
Clearing out the Clutter...
I read an article the other day in a woman's magazine about "not letting the home office invade you bedroom". Well it's rather late for that since the home office is located IN our bedroom (there was no other place for it). I can not begin to tell you how much I dislike having the computer, printers filing cabinet and more in our bedroom. It disrupts the feeling of relaxation, I can never get away from this bothers me greatly! But now there is an end in a month this stuff will be located in another room- one that IS NOT the master bedroom. What a relief that will be for me!
Hannah has done a great job of clearing out the junk from her desk drawers. She's done exactly like the professionals on the show "Clean Sweep" have done...3 piles, toss, donate and keep. I am quite impressed! I think that Andrew and I both can take Hannah's lead and get cracking on our stuff. Andrew especially needs to do this in his room...that boy of mine never gets rid of anything (he's a junior pack-rat). Even though I have purged a great deal I do feel that I can get rid of even more stuff from this house. The Jr ROTC clothing drive had me getting rid of all of those old clothing items that I've been hanging on to for years. I've still got some more that I'm contemplating on getting rid of. They are things like hand knit sweaters that my mother made when I was a little girl. Hannah never wore them because the wool was way to itchy for her sensitive skin. I have some purses and things that I can get rid of, ones that I don't use. But those can wait until we get into the new house. We'll have a big garage sale after we move in.
The birds...oh am I ready to give them away! I can vacuum around that cage 3 times a day and it will still not be enough. Those Zebra Finches are in a nutshell...MESSY!!!!! And noisy, every time you turn on the stereo or TV they start getting louder and louder. There are days when I just want to wheel their cage outside- did I happen to mention that it's freezing cold outside? I just don't want to have this bird seed and bird poop mess in my new house. It's no longer fun when you have to constantly nag your children on a daily basis to give their pets fresh food and water. And lets not even talk about cleaning the cage, that right there is more like mission impossible. The cat can stay, but we're going to have only the 1 matter how much Hannah begs us for a 2nd kitty. I'm going to see if the Youth Center here on base is looking to get another donation of Zebra Finches. I fell bad about this but you know what, it's time to let someone else appreciate the birds.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
My house is being worked on!
I've been keeping myself busy going through things in my little house. I can't believe that I have culled 55 movies from our collection, that's a lot of movies! Almost all of them are Disney (VHS) movies. With our kids now being a teenager and a pre-teen (also known as tween), those kinds of movies no longer hold any interest for them. Part of me is sad because my kids are past that age, but the other part says off they go to the box "for future sale". I'm also planning on getting rid of a lot of Tupperware. I had a ton of it when I moved here and systematically I've been purging it from my cupboards, it's things like those spice containers that I no longer use. I'm considering the possibility of using them in my scrapbook nook to hold embellishments such as buttons and small fabric flowers. We shall see what I come up with, it's either re-purpose them or get rid of more hanging around taking up valuable space.
I'm still in shock at the fact that I'll be having windows in my new scrapbook nook...and two windows at that! And they both open, I don't know if I can handle that, LOL! Now to think about window's going to need to be something fun and cheery. I'm going to have to create something using "happy fabric". Something in the line of Mary Engelbreit...yup she makes HAPPY stuff! I'm just doing the happy dance with the thought of having a bright and cheery Scrapbook Nook with windows!!! I'm going to get my photo's printed and ready to scrap about the house building (or house finishing in my case) process. It's VERY exciting stuff!
Please say a prayer for our deployed spouses
From my close friends here at Ellsworth, there are quite a few with spouses being deployed. Of my close knit group of friends, there are only a handful of us with spouses currently here. With us doing a back to back assignment here, yes that does put my husband in contention with doing at least 2 more deployments. I'm actually okay with that, why? Because I know that I have a tight knit group of friends that I can call upon when the going gets tough.
My Husband is 40!

More house pictures

Our new house
Yesterday we went out looking at Kitchen appliances. I'm going all stainless in the kitchen, easy clean up and it's a great look. I've got to get a move on since we're going to be closing on the house March 30th! The time is going to go by super fast! I've got more things to go through and get rid of. Can you believe it...we're buying a house!

Saturday, February 17, 2007
It's Saturday!
Well I better get out of here and get my errands done. I'm going to be taking tons of pictures tonight so I can scrapbook them later :-)
Friday, February 16, 2007
It's raining it's pouring my old man is snoring...
We got the call at 5:20 am this morning; schools are closed because of the icy road conditions. It’s raining pretty hard and the ground is iceberg cold and all of that snow, well that makes black ice. The kids are doing the happy dance, woohoo no school! Everyone is still asleep with the exception of me. Even the cat is sleeping in today. I can’t, I’ve got 4 more gourmet cheesecakes to make today and a house to clean.
I’m so excited about buying a house…I hope to hear back from our realtor today. The sooner we can get everything arranged- movers and a closing date, the better! My husband is such a catch! So the downstairs of this house isn’t finished but the framing is up for the laundry room, bathroom, 2 bedrooms and a utility room (for the water heater and furnace). So there’s my husband measuring and mapping this all out and he comes up with new down stairs plan with an addition of a craft room! And no, unlike where my scrapbook nook is now, I won’t be re-doing the utility room in this house, LOL! The family room area is huge, too huge really. Keeping that in mind, he’s taken a part of that super sized room and created a space for either a home office or in our case a new scrapbook nook. I tell ya he really is a catch! So now the upstairs bedroom will be our home office/guest bedroom. I’m seriously excited about it! I see that he’s even made a house plan with the room and furniture placement…I love this man!
The OSC movie night was really nice. It was held it at one of the squadrons in their auditorium (it’s nice). It was a small turn out but we did well on our collection of baby items for the Family Readiness Center. Many many packages of diapers, baby wipes, shampoo and more were donated. For each item brought a ticket was given for a chance to win one of my gourmet cheesecakes. You’re never going to believe who won this cheesecake…I did, LOL! What a crack up! I told my girlfriend Kim that I’d trade the cheesecake for the candle basket (she won 2 of the great boutique table prizes). Kim is so generous that she just gave me the basket of candles (it was a laundry basket FULL of wonderful scented candles too) telling me that I’ve been so good to her…she made me blush. So there we are in her truck coming home and I got this brain storm of an idea…how about we surprise someone in the neighborhood with this cheesecake? I knew just the person to surprise too J I know how my friend Amber wanted to be the winning bidder on the cheesecake that I had in our auction last year (the one that ended up selling for $135). It turned into a bidding war and lets just say it got out of her price range (heck it was out of my price range too- and I made it). Then last night she brought in many baby items in hopes of winning. So you can only imagine her surprise when I’m ringing her doorbell at a little before 9 pm and I’m giving her this cheesecake. I think that I made my friend cry tears of joy. I had to laugh when she said “this isn’t the whole cheesecake is it?” my reply “yes it is!” Let’s just say I got many hugs and many thanks and call it good. Kim and I just giggled and reveled in our warm fuzzies. The feeling of giving such a surprise like that to someone who does so much for those around her, well it gave both Kim and I such a sense of true joy and happiness. Only a small handful of people here know that I gave the cheesecake away… my pal Kim, my daughter Hannah and of course my friend Amber and her husband.
Now off I go to get dressed and get myself into cooking and baking gourmet cheesecakes!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
We're going to buy a new house!
So here I am ready and anxious to get stared on the paperwork to buy this house!
My wine glass story

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day!
I had to get some wine glasses for this Wine and Cheesecake Tasting party we're having this weekend. It's a Mission Support Group thing...each month a different person from the group hosts a party, it gets people together in a non-work environment. So we've been to 2 of these parties so far...the all holidays celebrated in December one was a huge success and the Murder Mystery party was the best New Years Eve party ever! There's this funky Pink Flamingo that gets stuck in your yard and that lets everyone know that the next party is at your house. Usually it gets stuck there in the middle of the night and it's a surprise to you too, LOL!!! This is such a fantastic group of people, I love them all!
House Hunting- Yes we're still in the process, and today we're going to look at 4 more houses. We're looking at buying a new house. Our intentions were to buy a previously owned home and just move in. But alas, that didn't pan out. So here we are onto plan "b" new construction. I am shaking my head at this because this will be in fact our 3rd new house. My m-i-l must be beside herself with this one as her house is something like 105 years old- eek! But with all of that aside I am thinking that we have whittled it down and will be able to make a decision on a house by this weekend. What an exhausting experience this has been. It's rough trying to buy a house on your own without ones spouse being around, especially when there are features that we are both looking for in a house. The 3 car garage is a must, especially with weather like this. Storage space and a working kitchen are essential and a 5 bedroom house seems to be what we are leaning towards. Lets face it, I need a scrapbook room and we really do need a guest room, the inflatable mattress thing isn't cutting it in the least! We have guest room furniture that is in storage, we could actually use it after being in a crate for 4 years.
I've got to get into the kitchen and bake- I've got a charity event tomorrow and one of my prize cheesecakes is going to be raffled off. Then there's also the fact that I've got to bake 5 or 6 different kinds of cheesecakes for the cheesecake tasting party on Saturday.
I'm off like a dirty shirt! Have fun on Valentines Day and most of all...Eat Chocolate!
helping others through my own travels through the world of health care insurance
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Being frustrated..
Today's frustration is pointed at our health insurance. I know, I least we have health insurance right? Well I remember when all of our health care costs were ZERO. Now look at us...I submit a bill for $2000.00 of which I had to pay up front and I get reimbursed $391.04 talk about feeling ripped off by my insurance company. I'm beside myself. So not only did it take me almost a year to get my daughter her surgery, now I have to fight for the full cost reimbursement of her surgery- which I was promised by our health care provider- augh!
And now I've got a referral to get authorised for a speech pathologist for my daughter to be evaluated for her breathing...Tricare (aka try to get care) doesn't want to pay and United Concordia doesn't want to pay...augh!!!!!! So now I have to go through hoops all over again to get this taken care of. You have no idea how much I wish that I had private health-care insurance!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Guess what...more snow
My Sunday wash day has spread over to Monday (again). Lots of sweaters to get washed and to be hung to dry. Towels, with this many towels one would think that we had a swimming pool again, LOL! But ever since Hannah's surgery I refuse to let her use a towel more than once. Call me a germ freak, LOL!
The snow plows have not been down our street. The snow is piling up rather quickly. I have no desire to shovel snow again- I don't care if it's fluffy snow it's still a lot of work!
Now to get to work on some more of my layout sketches. I want to get lost in my scrapbook nook just playing with "stuff" in general.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
a creative moment...
A seriously creative moment hit me in the middle of the night, no joke. It’s about 1:30 am and I awake with a terrific layout ideas for some pictures my husband recently took on his flight. He’s got some great aerial shots of
This reminds me, I need to print my journaling up for my picture a day scrapbook project. I’ve been putting that off for a few days due to all of my running around.
A Happy Surprise!
My husband got back a day early from his TDY- yeah for us!!! I was so surprised to hear his voice in the entry way on Friday afternoon. WOW! The kids were excited so see their Dad home early as well. Then he hooked the digital camera up to the TV and got to see in big size the pictures he took- amazing!
Hannah has a terrible head cold that started on Friday and today Sunday morning it’s only gotten worse not better. I’m going to call off Girl Scouts tomorrow, there’s no need in making anyone else sick.
Friday, February 09, 2007
The death of Anna Nicole Smith and other news...
I didn't read the news on line nor watch it on TV yesterday. I started reading it today and saw that Anna Nicole Smith had passed away. She suffered so much tragedy in these last few months of her life. It's all just so sad, very very sad. My heart goes out to her baby daughter that will never know her mother, and to her teenage son that she leaves behind.
Looks like Mad Cow Disease is back in the news also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy. It's been found in Alberta Canada. IS this a cause for concern? I think so.
My have the NASA astronaut Lisa Nowak and the trouble she's gotten herself into. I wonder about the testing that NASA puts their astronauts they preform psychological evaluations on a regular basis on these people? And I was surprised to learn that there aren't any rules or regulations about the astronauts developing personal relationships; as I see it, that can only lead to trouble later on. I was reading on MSNBC about the mid-air near miss accident when a NASA Astronaut was within 100 feet from an airplane full of passengers- here's the link to that story it's an interesting story.
And then there's that idiot in Idaho that stole hundreds of women's panties. What is up with that??? What a perve! Talk about a nut case!
Yup it's an interesting day in the new today!'s everywhere you don't want it to be
We have snow. So far it’s been of the light and fluffy variety not that wet heavy kind (hat will break your back when you try to shovel it). I do have to say that the trees have never looked better. I love how they look (especially the pine trees) all covered in frost and snow. I look out the window and see the light glistening off of the snow, it’s beautiful. I see where rabbits have been hopping around looking for a meal or a warmer place to spend the night. It’s all over my kid mobile; I will be shoveling up a storm tomorrow that’s for sure! The only thing I have to say is at least the wind isn’t blowing. It’s a slight breeze at 3 mph…which is a lot better than 30 mph! I made sure to put my wiper blades up so that they don’t stick to the windshield (just a little trick I learned from my hubby back when we were stationed in
Now where is that digital camera of mine? It’s off touring the world with my husband. I don’t know how my 35 mm will do at night in the snow. I’ll try first thing in the morning. Maybe if the kids are lucky we will get enough snow to delay school starting by a couple of hours.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
aaahhhh the delights of base housing will they ever cease?
So far today the water heater seems to be working. We shall see if the pilot light goes out again. Andrew didn't say anything this morning, then again he didn't say anything after his cold shower yesterday either. So who knows what's in store there!
It hit the local news last night, it's now official...Ellsworth AFB will stop providing bus service here on the base as of March 1st, 2007. For those that thought that the city of Box Elder provided that service they are mistaken. It's a $400,000+ a year contract, basically it comes down to funding. Our base wasn't allocated funding to keep the bus program running. Heck as it is, the 2007/2008 school year will be without bus service too. Yet another reason to live off base.
Yup, another day in my life, LOL! I suppose that I should take a picture of the buses stopping at the bus stop one last time eh? I can put that in my picture a day scrapbooking page and journal about it.
Baby Sleeping

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Friends are Angels in Disguise
Where I was so worried earlier today, I feel so calm and at peace with it all now. I don't want to be upset over things that I have no control over. I truly think that the Lord has put these wonderful friends into my life for a reason...we all need to reach out and be there for another, as I see it it's like we are Angels on Earth.
Sheesh! is it Monday again?
The cat kept me up from 2:30 am until almost 4 am. I was ready to toss her put into the garage, but since it snowed last night and it was below freezing I didn't do it...I thought about it though! Then of course I woke up late, got the kids up about 45 minutes later than I normally get them up. Oh yeah it's a rough start to say the least. And of course we HAD to get snow last night, so I have to warm up the kid mobile, shovel snow and remove the snow from the kid mobile all before 7:30 am. And of course as I am literally getting ready to walk out the door the phone rings...I see it's a number form on base (I love caller id)'s my husband calling to let me know that he's arrived safely to his destination. I brief him on the situation with the negotiations with the house and so forth, and let him talk with the one child who is still in the house. I get the kids to school on time and drive on out to Wal-mart. Why do I need to go to Wal-mart so darn early? 1- to avoid any crowds and 2- to get some 35 mm film and batteries for my camera. My husband took the digital camera with him on his trip and I need a camera today to get pictures of our daughter receiving an award today at school. Ah the life of a military wife is not an easy one...not by any means.
Now I'm waiting on a phone call and then to head out to the Realtors office again. One of the hardest parts of this negotiating thing is waiting to hear back from the home owner...has he accepted my bid? Or are we on our way to yet another phase of negotiations?
Well I just talked to my agent...looks like I'm off to yet another phase in the negotiations. I should know more by 12 if I can wait and not develop an ulcer between now and then. Here's a little known fact...I'm not very good about waiting for things to happen.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
It's Tuesday Grommet
Our son is preparing for a clothing drive for his Jr ROTC class. He's going full throttle here at the house going through all of our closets, weeding out clothes and jackets that are too small. It's a hoot to watch him do this (I've been waiting years for this). You should see his room, oh my gosh I've never seen his closet and drawers so organized! It's a miracle I tell ya, a real miracle! Now only if Hannah would get with the program and clean her room. One miracle at a time right? LOL!
Now to grab a bit of breakfast and feed the birds...I better do it before they become cannibals, LOL!
Monday, February 05, 2007
It's just another Manic Monday...
I met with my friend Cindy and she gave me a tour of her home, it's lovely! She and her family live in the subdivision where we are looking at buying a home. Cindy's house is what is known as being "new construction" where as the house that my husband and I are currently considering is 2 years old. We're trying to make up our minds whether to build a new home to to buy a previously owned home. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. We've already been through the stress of having built 2 homes, doing it for a 3rd time isn't scary to us, we view it as more of a time consuming pain in the neck than anything else. Do I really want to have to go through all of the hassle of picking out door knobs, faucets and light fixtures? Then there's the it ceramic tile, vinyl, carpet, hardwood or stained concrete, UGH!!!! Paint chips, siding, wood trim, it gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it! LOL! So we're more interested in a previously owned home more than building a this time. I had a dream last night that I was buried in paint chips, talk about a nightmarish thought...having to look at hundreds and hundreds of paint chips all in various shades of beige and white.
On the lighter side...our daughter Hannah has her 2nd post-op appointment today. I can't begin to tell you how good her ears look! She has so much more confidence in herself and it really shows. She no longer feels so seriously self conscious about how she looks. She's actually had me braid her hair and put it in pig tails for school, by the way- she would never wear her hair like that anywhere else but home before the surgery. This is one of those life changing surgeries.
The laundry is calling me...then again when isn't it? The good side to this, it's only 3 loads:-)
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Lent...what to give up?
So here I am, wondering what I will give up for Lent...will it be chocolate? Naw, I've got cheesecakes to bake and I need to be taste testing this stuff, LOL! Will it be Beef? Nope, you can't give up something that you really don't eat in the first place...that's considered to be cheating, LOL! How about not buying scrapbooking products of any kind for 6 weeks? I know that I'd break that one, LOL!!!
Want to know what I gave up last year? Nothing! What I did was to "take on" something...something that was very hard for me to deal with at the time. I took it on and guess what I was able to work through the tough times and develop more compassion and understanding. It was an experience that had it's rough spots but with prayer and true devotion to my Lenten promise, I got through it. I'm considering this kind of thing again for this year. I've got a bit more time to think about it before I commit to something.
Super Bowl Sunday
But seriously, I love how my husband and daughter enjoy watching football together. I stopped enjoying it a while back. I'd much rather sit back with a good book in a quite corner while the rest of the people jumped up and down rallying on their teams. I figure that today I can get some work done on the computer because the rest of my family are upstairs watching the game :-)
Yesterday we went with our realtor to look at house's that are for sale. I think that we have made up our minds on which one we're going to put a bid on. Please keep us in your prayers as we go into this new endeavor.
Friday, February 02, 2007
a letter to my dear friend...
Some things are harder to work through than others, trust me I know. We know someone out here that finally got promoted to Lt Col 3 years above the zone…so it can happen. The only word of advice I can truly give you is that you need to find a happy place in your heart and stay there. That’s what I did after that major let down last June. My heart was broken when we had that assignment to Hanscom AFB pulled out of our hands. My hopes and dreams of finally being near family were dashed to pieces and I had a hard time getting it together again. I cried for days afterwards. Then that assignment carrot was dangled in front of us again for the fall move cycle…again it was yanked out of our hands. And that’s when I said “skip this, enough is enough! I’m going to make myself truly miserable (and get an ulcer) if I give any more thought to getting out of here". So with many prayers being said asking the Lord to guide me in becoming happy with where I am... I found a happy place in my heart. I soon threw myself into the little things that made me happy. Baking cheesecakes for various charity functions and surprising friends with my cheesecakes for Christmas was another thing that gave me great joy. Scrapbooking those OSC events and getting back into counted cross stitching brought me even more joy. I actually found myself being happy being on the OSC board and attending every military function that I could. I’ve only missed attending one OSC function and that was because I was in Boston attending CKU-Masters! God handed me a bag of lemons and a bowl of sugar, what I do with the 2 are totally up to me. So as I figure it, I’m going to make the most of the two and have some ice cold lemonade while sitting on my front porch this summer with my best friend. What better way to make the best of a bad situation, I tell you I am not bitter about staying out here. I had accepted the fact that we were not going to be able to escape this place (just like the 7 years we spent at Dyess AFB). I’ve accepted the fact that once you get to a bomber base they are not letting you go! Now I’m so glad that I did not set myself up for being disappointed about us not getting to move out of state. Over the past couple of months I've let my husband know time and time again that I will not take the news of us staying here another 4 years as bad news. That I refuse to get myself worked up over something that I have no control over. With that right there I think I had him seeing the light…and that’s when he promised me that no matter what our news, that we will be moving out of this house. That was such a blessing for me to hear that coming out of my husbands’ mouth. I knew that I could make plans; I had something to look forward to and sometimes that’s all we Air Force wives need…something to look forward to. So here I am, getting ready to make an offer on a house. Tomorrow we’re meeting the realtor at the house with our kids... to look over the house once more. Then we will get with our realtor and make an offer on the house. I want to get this show on the road! I just want to get started on the house process as soon as possible. We’re going to hire professional movers to move all of our furniture and other belongings; well with exception of my scrapbook nook (Only I touch that stuff).
Okay I’m outta here…got to write in my blog ya know ;-)
Purging the stash...
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Welcome to February!
I started going through my collection of patterned paper yesterday. I wanted to take a good look at it all and really see what I have one hand. I found that I had a drawer stuffed full of 12x12 paper and cardstock that needed to be put away. Oh my gosh I have several sheets of a few particular papers...they will need to find a new home since I have used them already in creating a few layouts. There's nothing wrong with them, it's just that I've used them quite a bit already and am wanting to use something else besides those handful of papers. I had to get brutally honest with myself and purse all of my Making Memories water color papers. I thought that maybe I'd use them in creating some recipe pages, but if I haven't used them since we moved from Virginia in 2003, I'm not about to use them now. I did use them quite a bit a few years ago, but I've moved past those products and am now on to other things. The girlfriend that owns them now is quite happy with them and I am glad that they are now with someone who will use them :-)
I'm going through the rest of of my printed/patterned paper collection and will be really tough with myself and make a serious effort in weeding out even more papers and even make some layouts with stuff that has been hanging around for way too long. I've got some various pieces of Victorian style floral paper that would make a terrific vintage looking layouts. I want to give them a try today. I'm serious about making a dent in my stash of scrapbooking supplies this year! I'm allowing myself to buy 8½x11 cardstock for making cards and my journaling blocks for my picture a day a year in my life scrapbooking projects and some scrapbooking tools here and there. But seriously, I am cutting back on the amount of printed papers I own and I'm trying hard not to buy any more without using them immediately! I started counting how many pieces I had yesterday and frankly speaking I was astounded at finding out that I own 1357+ pieces of patterned paper and that was without counting in the 3 inch stack of Making Memories water color collection paper. That's when I decided that I HAVE to make a more serious attempt at lowering the numbers this collection of mine and find new homes for some of these papers. No wonder why I find myself frequently with the feeling of being crowded in my own little scrapbook nook...the paper is taking over, LOL! So off I go with a fresh mug of Swiss Chocolate Almond coffee (with cream) to get rid of at least another 2 or 3 inches of paper today!